Port Kembla SLSC members take part in surf lifesaving training courses to ensure that members have the required competency and knowledge. Example of courses include:
Surf Rescue Certificate
Minimum age: 13
Qualifications Issued:
Operate communications systems and equipment
Apply surf awareness and self-rescue skills
Participate in an aquatic rescue operation
Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (valid for 1 year)
Radio Operator
Minimum age: 13
Qualifications Issued:
Operate communications systems and equipment
Bronze Medallion
Minimum age: 15
Qualifications Issued:
Certificate II in public safety (aquatic rescue)
Operate communications systems and equipment
Apply surf awareness and self-rescue skills
Participate in an aquatic rescue operation
Provide basic emergency life support (valid for 3 years)
Communicate in the workplace
Work in a team
Work effectively in a public safety organisation
Follow defined work health & safety policies & procedures
Silver Medallion Aquatic Rescue
Minimum age: 16
Qualifications Issued:
Cert 3 in Public Safety (Aquatic Search and Rescue)
Minimum age: 16
Bronze Medallion/Cert 2 PSAR
Qualifications Issued:
Maintain safety at an incident scene
Search as a member of an aquatic search team
Communicate in the workplace
Operate communications systems and equipment
Work effectively in a public safety organisation
Provide first aid (valid for 3 years)
Provide advanced resuscitation (valid for 1 year)
Provide advanced first aid (vald for 3 years)
Undertake beach safety management activities
Contribute to team effectiveness
Work autonomously
Provide pain management (valld for 1 year)
Crew small powercraft in a rescue operation
Prepare, maintain, and test response equipment
Operate and maintain a small power craft and motor for rescue operations
Operate and maintain a personal watercraft for rescue operations
Undertake advanced surf rescue
Silver Medallion Beach Management
Minimum age: 17
Hold a Bronze Medallion/Cert Il PSAR and be proficient in at least one of the following:
Radio Operator Certificate
Bronze Medallion/Cert I PSAR
First Ald
Advanced Resuscitation Techniques
Qualifications Issued:
Undertake beach safety management activities
Gold Medallion
Minimum age: 17
Hold a Bronze Medallion/Cert Il PSAR and be proficient in at least one of the following:
Radio Operator Certificate
Bronze Medallion/Cert I PSAR
First Ald
Advanced Resuscitation Techniques
Qualifications Issued:
Undertake advanced surf rescue
Inflatable Rescue Boat Crewperson (IRBC)
Minimum Age: 15
Bronze Medallion/Cert I PSAR
Qualifications Issued:
Crew small powercraft in a rescue operation.
Side by Side vehicle (SSV) induction
Minimum Age: 17
Current NSW Driver's License Minimum Provisional Driver's License. Details on members record.
Qualifications Issued:
Members must be inducted for each SSV make and model that they have not driven before.
Silver Medallion Inflatable Rescue Boat Driver (SMIRBO)
Minimum Age: 17
Bronze Medallion/Cert II PSAR
IRB Crewperson Certificate
Have met the marine licensing requirements
Qualifications Issued:
Prepare, maintain, and test response equipment.
Operate and maintain a small powercraft and motor for rescue operations
Rescue Watercraft Operator (RWC)
Minimum Age: 18
Advanced Resuscitation Techniques
Bronze Medallion/Cert I PSAR
First Ald
Silver Medallion Beach Management
NSW Vehicle License with tow capacity
Have met the NSW marine licensing requirements
Qualifications Issued:
Prepare, maintain, and test response equipment.
Operate and maintain a personal watercraft for rescue operations
Resuscitation (Resus)
Minimum Age: 10
Qualifications Issued:
Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (valid for 1 year)
First Aid (FA)
Minimum Age: 14
Qualifications Issued:
Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (valid for 1 year)
Provide basic emergency life support (valid for 3 years)
Provide first aid (valid for 3 years)
Advanced Resuscitation Techniques (ART)
Minimum Age: 15
Qualifications Issued:
Provide advanced resuscitation and oxygen therapy (valid for 1 year)
Training Officer Certificate (TOC)
Minimum Age: 16
Qualifications Issued:
Provide work skill instruction
Make presentations