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The executive office bearers have the following duties:

The Senior Executive Officer and nominal head of the Club. Is the Club’s chief representative at all functions ascertaining to life saving or the business of the Club.

Vice President
In the absence of the President, assumes all the duties and privileges of the President.

Ensures that all money due to the Club is collected and received and that all payments authorised by the Club are made. Ensures the correct books of account are kept showing the financial affairs of the Club including full details of all receipts and expenditure connected with the Club’s activities.

Keeps the minutes of all aspects of committee meetings and ensures their correctness. Also prepares the annual report of the Club’s activities and issues notices of all meetings of the Club where required. The Secretary shall also attend to and keep carefully all correspondence and other papers belonging or relating to the business of the Club.

Club Captain
Acts as chairman of any meeting in the absence of the President and Vice President. Is responsible for exhibiting all notices ascertaining to patrol work. Is responsible for the general conduct of members and their general education in the area of surf life saving.

Has full control of all members on the beach, in the surf, in the Club house, at any inter-club carnival and traveling to and from such carnivals.

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